First off Iran said today that it will not negotiate with America, but might try to make deals with Russia. Those discussions will take place on the 16 of February. Rumsfeld said today that the military option is not to be ruled out, reasons given,"Iran is the main sponsor of terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas." The IAEA has now be official notified that Iran will block surprise inspections and will continue with it's work. Iran has also asked for cameras and additional surveillance equipment to be removed by mid February. Danny Ayalon, Israel's ambassador to the United States, said today that Iran is the worlds biggest threat since World War 2. Israel has also said that Iran might have the intelligence to create a Nuclear bomb by the end of the year. Israel has been hinting of a possible air strike, of which the IDF feels confident that it would be as successful as the Strike in Iraq. Some things Iran has to clear before it's referral to the UN are, what was the bomb blueprint and why was it needed for Iran, why Iran was testing missiles capable to deliver Nuclear warheads and what was the source of the HEU particles at locations where centrifuges were stored/made.
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