Wednesday, March 01, 2006

It's a Peaceful Program
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said on today that the Nuclear program is a peaceful one and that even yet it will not give in to international demands. "We are ready for any compromise. But if the compromise could not take place between Iran and Russia, or Iran and European countries, we, after some time, will start commercial-scale enrichment."
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Ahmadinejad Gives Advice to Iran's Soccer Team
It was a surprise visit for the players. His appearance at the Azadi, in the Iranian team jersey and tracksuit, caught the attention of local photographers and fans alike. "You have to
study your opponents in the World Cup very carefully, but do not be afraid of them, as with God's help and people's prayers you will be able to succeed," said the president in his words of advise. "You are individually very good, what you need to improve is the group work and for that you first must become close friends and then a strong and harmonious unit." Iran will be playing against Mexico, Portugal and Angola in group D at the World Cup in Germany this year.
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Bush, "Iran must not have a nuclear weapon."
On Bush's surprise visit to Afghanistan he said during a news conference, "Iran must not have a nuclear weapon. The most destabilizing thing that can happen in this region and in the world is for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. And so the world is speaking with one voice to the Iranians that it's OK for you to have a civilian nuclear power operation, but you shall not have the means, the knowledge to develop a nuclear weapon."
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Iran's former president lashes out for Iran's denial of the Holocaust.
Mohammad Khatami, the former president of Iran, has said today that the holocaust is a historical realty. "We should speak out if even a single Jew is killed. Don't forget that one of the crimes of Hitler, Nazism and German national socialism was the massacre of innocent people, among them many Jews," he is quoted as saying. He served as president of Iran from 1997 to 2005. Known as a mild mannered president he tried to initiate a "dialogue among civilizations", referring to the Western World.
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The Talks are Over.
The talks between Russia and Iran are over without any major accomplishments. The meeting took around 4 hours. A general agreement was in place but the whole proposal still needs work. In the end Iran was still insisting that the Uranium to be enriched on it's own soil. “The details of the Russian proposal on creating a joint enrichment venture on Russia’s territory were discussed, however, it has not yet been possible to achieve a breakthrough,” said a Russian Security Council official.
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