Saturday, April 15, 2006

Well as some of you might have read before, Bloomberg published an article with the header of something of the sorts," Iran can produce Nuclear weapon in 16 days." When I first read the article was shocked on how a reliable source such as Bloomberg could manipulate the public in that way. As you all should know by now, the title was referring to Iran when it has all it's centrifuges running (54 000) it would be able to produce a weapon in 16 days. That moment is now years away. But I must say shame on Bloomberg for this manipulative title.

Not all in Iran back president's rhetoric

Iran's success in producing enriched uranium for the first time may have increased national pride, but hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is annoying predecessors by claiming the achievement in his name alone.
And others, including some among the president's supporters, worry his tough rhetoric is intensifying international anxiety over the nuclear program and worsening the country's isolation. Since his announcement, Ahmadinejad has been even more defiant in defending his country's decision to press ahead with its nuclear program over the U.N. Security Council's objections.
Ahmadinejad rebuffed a request Thursday by Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, that Iran suspend uranium enrichment, saying Tehran will not retreat "one iota." This left some conservative Iranians angry. "The more Ahmadinejad confronts the international community, the more power he may show to his public in the short term but deny Iran a good life among world nations in the long term," said Hossein Salimi, a professor of international relations in Tehran. But even still this is the minority voice in Iran.
More at the Seattle Investigator

Islamic Jihad vows aid to Iran if it is attacked

Abdullah Ramadan Shala, the head of the palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad said, "Any threat to the Islamic republic is a threat to the Palestinians, and Iran will not be alone in facing these threats. And any aggression against Iran is an aggression against the Palestinians." Hamas has showed similar support.
More at Iran Mania

General says Iran’s military ready “to project its power”

In preparation to a possible confrontation, Brigadier General Mohammad-Hossein Dadras, commander of the regular Iranian army’s ground forces, said Iran’s military has identified “the enemies’ weak spots” in the region and its missile capabilities would guarantee Iran’s “national interests”.“We have identified and studied the enemies’ strong and weak spots in the region regarding ground, sea, and air forces”, Dadras said at the Friday prayers ceremony in Tehran.“Today, we have in the country that which is adequate to face threats. Right now, we have that thing which, when required, will land on the enemy’s weak spot. The enemies know this”, Dadras said.“We do not need foreign support. We have an adequate missile capability which can guarantee our national interests”, he said.“Iran’s capability is such that no one dares to come near it. If they do they will return with no success”.Alluding to the border with Iraq and Afghanistan, the army chief said that Iran has six military divisions based at “strategic and operational points”.
More at Iran Focus

America to Introduce Limited Sanctions on Iran

In this frame, the US reportedly may freeze assets of several Iranian government officials and impose visa restrictions that would make it difficult for these officials to conduct foreign visits.
In his statement, US Secretary of State Spokesman Sean McCormack said the seventh article of the United Nations (UN) contract discusses freezing assets and imposing visa restrictions. "Taking such decisions is in the hand of international society," McCormack added.
At an important gathering next Tuesday in Moscow, high level foreign ministry officials from the UN Security Council's permanent members US, Britain, Russia, China, and Germany will discuss the response against Iran's uranium enrichment.
American officials reported Washington does not foresee any kind of sanction towards Iran's oil and gas sectors, so as not to increase the difficulties faced by the people of Iran.
More at Zaman Daily News

Israel condemns Iranian threats

Shimon Peres urged the world to unite against Mr Ahmadinejad who he predicted would end up like Saddam Hussein.
"The United Nations cannot but react," Mr Peres insisted.
"Iran is a member state of the United Nations that is threatening to destroy another member state of the United Nations," he said. Mr Peres, one of Israel's senior statesmen and a potential senior cabinet member in Israel's new government-in-the-making, replied that: "What the Iranian president says is reminiscent of Saddam Hussein's proclamations, and Ahmadinejad will meet the same end as he did. "The Iranian president represents Satan and not God. History has rejected these sorts of sword-brandishing lunatics," said Mr Peres.
More at BBC News


Anonymous said...

The story is that Iran is becoming more and more nuclear capable. An Iranian nuclear weapon is 5 to 10 years away, if that is indeed their goal (they have stated that it is not).

The mullahs will make hay with the fact that they have some nuclear capability. And that will make the world take notice.

Winston said...
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Winston said...

The best way to get rid of the crisis with Iran is to help the dissidents inside of the country to free themselves from the rule of clerics.

That is the only option we are left with, unless you think BOMBING can also liberate them.

John Smith said...

I'm hoping not that the United States or any of it's co-factors will attempt any attack on Iran's soil and I also hope not that Iran will attack likewise. But we must remember if anyoen is go to war with Iran let be a war agains the radical clerics and the madman's regime and not the Iranian people. I support the Iranian people not there regime.

Winston said...

Good to hear!

Anonymous said...


Ahmadinejad's Demons

April 14, 2006
The New Republic
Matthias Küntzel


John Smith said...

That was a interesting read, I beleive I'm gonna have to contact the author and ask for the publication of that article here.

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